TJ Singleton

Software Engineer, Baptist Preacher

There Is None Like God!

Who is like unto Thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like Thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?

Ex. 15:11

The truth that God is unequaled by anyone or anything has been flooding my thought the past week. God alone is perfect in His excellence. The Triune Jehovah, the self sufficient God, who exists in three persons, dwelt in perfect unity within Himself. He had no need or required no help from any other source. He is perfect. We can add nothing to Him or His glory, nor can we take anything away!

I am in awe of the God I serve. The one who before the foundations of the world by His sovereign decree choose to save sinners. The Father who sent His son, my Lord, Jesus Christ to obtain the atonement for my sins and the sins of His church. That He would send the Holy Spirit to birthed me into the His family and produce faith in me! He is above all! The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer!

Has Budda ever done such? Has Allah? I think not! There is none like the God of the Bible! He stands exalted above all. Worship Him for his unequaled perfection!

None is like God, Who reigns above,
So great, so pure, so high;
None is like God, Whose Name is Love,
And Who is always nigh.

John Bur­ton, Jr.